
Applications are made online at

Below is the short list of requirements for admission to the MA program in Sociology, you can see the longer list at


a)   ALES score min. 70 (alternatively GRE quantitative 610 -149 in new system- or GMAT 450)

b)   Minimum 3.00 undergraduate G.P.A.(Grade Point Average) on scale of 4.00

c)   Proof of English Proficiency:

  • BUEPT (min. score:60)
  • TOEFL (min. scores):

       TOEFL (paper-based test)                          550 + TWE 4.5

       TOEFL CBT (Computer-based test)          213 + TWE 4.5

       TOEFL IBT (Internet-based test)                   79 + TWE 22

  • IELTS (min. scores):

       IELTS Academic Score: 6.5

       IELTS Academic Writing Score: 6.5

d)   Statement of purpose

e)   2 letters of recommendation for applicants from outside the department

f)    Departmental exams (written and oral)
Based on a departmental evaluation of documents and the written exam, a short list of qualified candidates will be prepared. The department will finally interview these qualified candidates in order to decide on accepted candidates. 


In 2014, The Department of Sociology changed the application process to its M.A. program. Required documents consist of a 2-page statement of purpose and, for non-B.U. sociology applicants, 2 letters of recommendation. In addition to the interview, there will also be a written exam. Please note that research proposals are no longer accepted. 

Important dates in this year's admissions calendar
April 17, 2024: Electronic application system opens.
June 5, 2024: Electronic application system closes at 5:00 PM.

June 24, 2024: Written exam starts at 10:00 AM and will be held in NH 101. 

July 1, 2024: Interviews will be conducted online.

Applicants coming to the written exam  will be asked to answer two separate general questions about social issues and analysis. The questions will be designed to assess students' capability and potential for sociological/anthropological imagination and understanding, as well as the ability to develop this way of thinking at the Master's level.

Instructions for writing your statement of purpose

Your statement of purpose is NOT A RESEARCH PROPOSAL but should address the following questions in a manner most relevant for you:  describe yourself,  your personal and educational background, and please explain your interest in our department.  Suggest some topics you are interested in studying, and explain what led you to become interested in these issues, as well as their broader sociological relevance/context. A strong/successful statement of purpose should give the admissions committee a clear sense of who you are, as well as your qualification and readiness for graduate study in sociology.    

Statement of purposes should be no more than two pages single-spaced, and standard technical requirements apply (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, etc.) The faculty will not help the applicants in writing the statement of purpose nor in choosing topics.